Thursday, 23 October 2014


Sometimes the scars ...
The ones on our knees and in our hearts show where we have been

Sometimes these same scars
are hints of where we are headed


  1. Short but so true. I like the last part.

  2. Scars can be hints of where you are headed?
    Mo da ran
    Do you know what you are saying?

    It is very poetic but not true. Get vision.

  3. We see scars as sites of pain and hurt... but they are really signs of healing and survival.

  4. I agree with you.
    Some scars from my past have actually served as compasses for where I want to be,to go/not go.
    Scars can be used for good and not just as a reminder of battles fought. They can be a reminder for the victories and successes we deserve.
